The Astrology
The timing of the creation of talismans is of the highest importance. Each magickal ritual to create the talismans is conducted on a carefully chosen astrological election.
The astrology used to find these potent and rare elections is performed to the highest possible professional talismanic astrological standard.
Many hours and calculations are made taking into account the position and placement of every astrological body, any retrogrades, any less-than auspicious placements and interfereing energies to reveal the most powerful and auspicious date and hour for the ritual magick to be performed.
All timings are GMT

At the moment of their birth they were infused with the following:
- The opportunity for deep healing and transformation around love
- Love, harmony to home life
- Powerful support in radically shifting old karmic and past life love issues
- Balance and dedication as you move through processing trauma around Love.
This talisman was created at an incredibly powerful moment astrologically; The planet Saturn was Sextile Chiron, the wounded healer. This is a profound astrological moment when we are supported in truly huge transformation around our deeply held wounds. Insecurities that have haunted you for a lifetime can be transmuted into self acceptance and strength, allowing you to enter harmonious relationships.
At this time the planet Venus (the goddess of love, beauty, attraction and harmony) makes a trine (a harmonious aspect of 120 degrees) with the MC or Midheaven, bringing love, harmony and devotion to your domestic life and love partnerships. This is a powerful transit that creates harmony between partners, and solidifies existing relationships, supports domestic joy and ease with caretaking of children and encourages love between family members.
At this moment Chiron was also forming a beautiful trine with The Part of Fortune; the point on an astrological chart that represents your destiny or path through life, especially as it pertains to fortune. Chiron is the wounded healer; the capacity we have to heal ourselves. When combined with Venus trine the MC, this moment opens us up to healing deep seated wounds from our past in order to support and expand in our domestic and love life. If you had challenging childhood experiences that left you with attachment wounds, these Love talismans will support you in gently peeling back the layers of defense so that you may be loved and love.
At the time of their creation, Saturn was trine Mars, offering strength, powerful endurance, and perseverance in anything you attend to, including the healing of childhood wounds around love. It’s also a very sexy powerful energy that is magnetic in its dedication. The Sun was also in opposition to the North Node - the astrological point connected to past lives, Karma and deep subconscious drives. These talismans support you in integrating all your experience both this life time and past, so that you may expand and heal love wounds.
Finally, Venus was in Libra, offering calm, fair, balanced and enduring love. These talismans support powerful long last change and integration of the deepest Love wounds into the deepest Love Healing.

At the moment of their birth they were infused with the following:
- An invitation to unearth and heal deep-seated subconscious money beliefs
- Support and discipline in working with your emotions around money
- Practical, creative and smart assistance in money making
This money talisman was created at an incredibly auspicious astrological moment for wealth creation and maintenance. Mercury (otherwise known as Hermes - the symbol of luxury); the planet of commerce, business and money is trine (a harmonious aspect of 120 degrees) the planet Pluto, Lord of the Underworld. When we have a Pluto aspect like this it offers us the capacity to dig up all our old stories we are holding about money (Mercury) and release them, offering us a chance to liberate ourselves from the subconscious patterns, bringing in turn a powerful and liberating creativity to your money-making activities.
Adding a further layer of astrological force, Saturn was sextile the Moon contributing a harmonious balance between emotions and discipline; the it is essential to engage with the emotions around money, it is a deeply emotionally charged energy, and this beautiful aspect with Saturn allows the wise old planet of discipline to keep those emotions in check and in service of your liberation.
Mercury was also opposition to the North Node, the astrological point connected to wisdom from our past lives. This particular aspect invites us into to knowledge of the Money Stories we may have carried with us from past lives or from our ancestry, so that we may use the gold, and discard the lead. These talismans will awaken any ancestral or Past Life wisdom and Mercurial experience so you can use it in this incarnation.
In the same astrological moment of creation, Mercury was in Libra which infuses a powerful grounding practicality and directness to your wealth creation.This combination of innovation, creativity and practicality is highly auspicious for the calling in of wealth.
Finally, Chiron is forming a beautiful trine with The Part of Fortune; the point on an astrological chart that represents your destiny or path through life, especially as it pertains to fortune. Chiron is the wounded healer; the capacity we have to heal ourselves. This is an incredibly special aspect for wealth creation as it offers you the capacity for a deep understanding of the wounds you might have around money and then the capacity to heal them, bringing an energy of healing expansion - ensuring that your wealth is healing for you and of benefit to all. When combined with the other harmonious aspects of this astrological moment, this results in an exceptionally powerful and auspicious moment for wealth and your entitlement to it.

At the moment of their birth they were infused with the following:
- Physical, emotional and mental protection for the custodian
- The power to maintain strong boundaries with ease
- Life-changing wisdom from the past
The most important celestial body to consider when creating protection talismans is Saturn. Saturn governs boundaries, and authority. At the moment of their conception, Saturn was trine (a harmonious aspect of 120 degrees) with Mars.This aspect brings a rigour and confidence in maintaining healthy boundaries that will make you feel unafraid; the energy imbued in this talisman will support you in being able to tackle problems with power, confidence and ease, setting boundaries with confidence and grace. Saturn trine Mars brings a sense of power and intensity to your engagement over your own destiny. Being perceived as confident and powerful not only earns you the respect from others, it is its own form of protection from harm.
In the same astrological moment, Mercury was in Libra, which will give you the power to communicate all of your needs and boundaries clearly and in a way that is balanced and fair. You will maintain your boundaries firmly and with ease.
Saturn was also square Uranus; squares are often misunderstood as ‘challenging’ aspects, in this case these two celestial bodies create a tremendous amount of inner drive and spontaneity. You won’t be held back by anxiety or internal conflict when it comes to asserting boundaries.
At the moment these talismans were consecrated, the sun was in opposition to the North Node. The sun represents our self-identity - how we think of ourselves - and in this position it allows us to access wisdom from both our experience in this life and also our past lives, and pull that wisdom through to protect us in our present and future. No more repeating harmful patterns of behaviour! You will effortlessly embrace challenges, overcome karmic obstacles and learn from setbacks - without needing validation from others. . This protection talisman will not only assist you in showing up with confidence and power, but also with the ability to express your needs and desires naturally and consistently.
This astrological moment supports you in using the wisdom from your past to prevent you from repeating mistakes and harmful patterns of behaviour and to create strong boundaries effortlessly, and with the drive to follow through.