Talisman Creation through Magickal Ritual

So much more than a piece of jewellery, Ouroboros talismans are a personal piece of magickal power.

The timing of the creation of talismans is of the highest importance. Each magickal ritual to create the talismans is conducted on a carefully chosen astrological election. The astrology used to find these potent and rare elections is performed to the highest possible professional talsimanic astrological standard.

Many hours and calculations are made taking into account the position and placement of every astrological body, any retrogrades, any less-than auspicious placements and interfereing energies to reveal the most powerful and auspicious date and hour for the ritual magick to be performed.

Amulets are magickal objects created with the intention of drawing in general good fortune or protection.

Talismans are magickal objects created with very specific intentions.

An example of an amulet is the Seal of Solomon; a magickal glyph that is meant to protect the wearer from all harm. A physical representation of the Seal of Solomon becomes a talisman when it is taken through a highly curated and ritualised process whereby specific protective energy – such as that gained by invoking St Michael the Archangel – is sealed into the object.

Ouroboros Vintage Pieces

Ouroboros charms are intentionally chosen vintage pieces.

We are highly experienced in finding these perfectly imperfect pieces, each with its own history.

You may well see scratches, dents and small marks on your talisman due to its age and former life. This only adds to the authenticity and unique nature of the piece.

None of the Ouroboros Limited Editions are brand new and each piece is carefully inspected by our master goldsmith and jeweller in Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter. He then refurbishes each piece to wearable condition, polishes and securely solders the jump ring in place.

They continue their life in your hands as a magickal talisman.